Bathroom Tiles: Trends, and Designs Available

bathroom tiles trends and designs

Whether you are looking to give a redecor to your bathroom or starting fresh with the designing process, adding bathroom tiles bathroom tiles in the decor is one of the best approaches here. If you start looking for some ideas for bathroom floor tiles available in the market, the process might be overwhelming for you.

Here we have made the entire process of picking out the right bathroom tiles easy for you. Moving forward in the blog we will be discussing various trends and designs that are available in bathroom floor tiles such as which bathroom wall tiles texture would be most suitable for your bathroom.

Why Add Bathroom Tiles?

For adding a different texture, a hint of luxury and uplifting the ambience of the entire bathroom space, it is necessary that you install bathroom floor tiles. These bathroom rough tiles allow you to enhance your bathroom space and while also adding functionality with the tiles.

Furthermore, here are some more benefits of adding bathroom wall tiles texture and bathroom floor tiles.

  • Adds to the elegance of the bathroom by installing bathroom tiles, be it floor tiles or wall tiles.
  • Anti-skid bathroom floor tiles offer better grip on the bathroom floor for elderly people, and kids as well.
  • Adding bathroom wall tiles texture adds volume to your bathroom walls and uplifts the overall look of your bathroom space.
  • Adding water-resistant vitrified bathroom tiles will help to make your bathroom space look well maintained.
  • Bathroom wall tiles texture helps you to experiment with different looks that you can create for your bathroom.
  • Adding high quality bathroom tiles will further allow you to reduce the maintenance and repair costs, making bathroom tiles a cost-effective approach.

Trends and Designs to Explore

In the above mentioned point we have already established the benefits and importance of adding bathroom tiles to your bathroom space. Moving on, when it comes to picking out the perfect tiles for your bathroom space, it often becomes a chaotic approach.

To help you through the process, here are some of the most common and popular bathroom tiles designs and trends that you can explore for your bathroom space.

  • Neutral Shades

    First and foremost keeping under consideration that your bathroom space is required to offer a comfortable and relaxing environment. For this you can go with neutral shades and color palette. Adding these neutral shades is also a good option for making your bathroom space appear open, bigger and breathable.

    It is important to make your bathroom have a relaxing environment which is best portrayed using neutral shades. This will also offer your bathroom a spa-like element, further allowing you to have a relaxing experience. For this you can explore the wide range of bathroom floor tiles with H&R Johnson and pick the most suitable option for your bathroom space.

  • Earthy Hues

    Another option to explore here is with earthy hues and nature inspired shades to be included in the bathroom tiles designs. This allows you to add a natural finish and environment which further offers you a comforting feel.

    Along with this adding earthy hues is a subtle option of adding a certain darker color palette in your bathroom wall tiles texture. Here you can explore the brown and other dark palettes for adding a contrasting element in your bathroom decor.

  • Matt Finish Bathroom Tiles

    Adding matt finish bathroom tiles is another option that you can explore. This allows you to add a different bathroom wall tiles texture. Matt tiles are available in a wide range of colors which can instantly uplift the mood of your bathroom space.

    In addition to this, matt finish tiles are becoming a rising trend in the tiles industry allowing you to revamp your bathroom with the recent trends. For adding matt finish bathroom tiles to your bathroom space you can explore the H&R Johnson’s Porselano tiles in 60x120cm size range.

  • Vintage Look

    Having a vintage look for your bathroom is a timeless trend and has been added to various bathroom decors. Vintage look allows you to further add a luxurious look to your bathroom, and make it appealing to look at.

    For this you can go with glossy finish bathroom wall tiles texture from the glazed vitrified collection of H&R Johnson tiles. This will further allow you to make your bathroom appear elegant and accentuate the overall look.

  • Marble Finish

    Another timeless trend to be followed is adding marble finish bathroom tiles in your bathroom space. This adds a luxurious feel to your bathroom space and further enhances the overall look of the bathroom.

    Adding marble finish bathroom floor tiles is a trend that will again make your bathroom appear organized and elegant. For this you can explore the Porselano collection of H&R Johnson and pick the one that’s more suitable for your style and bathroom design.

  • Anti-skid Tiles

    It is necessary to have a better grip on the bathroom floor. Hence it is advisable to install anti-skid bathroom floor tiles. These tiles are available in a wide variety of colors, and designs from the Johnson Collection of tiles. You can also explore Johnson Tiles 60x120cm and Endura Maxgrip-R10 for more options.

Key Points of Consideration

Moving on, now that we have discussed the trends and designs that you can explore in the bathroom floor tiles and bathroom wall tiles texture. The most important aspect here to consider is to look for the following points:

  • Durable bathroom tiles
  • Go for quality of the tiles
  • Anti-skid feature of tiles for bathroom floor installation
  • Pick glazed vitrified tiles for better water resistance
  • Overall theme and design of the bathroom space along with entire home
  • Size range and space available in bathroom

Final Thoughts

Having discussed the most important points of picking out the right bathroom tiles for your bathroom space. The last point is to look for a reliable and trustworthy brand such as H&R Johnson for bathroom floor tiles.

With H&R Johnson the bathroom floor tiles price is a worthwhile investment as you get the most durable tiles along with a wide range of options. Furthermore, these are the best bathroom floor tiles in India due to their more than sixty years of experience and expertise in the industry.

In addition to this, the brand has also established experience centers for the customers to visit and experience the quality, and wide range of options first hand before making an investment and final decision.

For more information you can also get in touch with the tile experts here at H&R Johnson and pick the best bathroom tiles for your bathroom space.


Vitrified tiles are the best materials for bathroom tiles as they are highly durable and water resistant which makes them fit to be installed in an area where there is exposure to water. Furthermore, these are anti-skid as well.

Choosing the right tile size for the bathroom requires you to first measure the area of the bathroom available where you wish to install the tiles. Next decide which format of tiles you wish to install- large, small or medium.